
Tutorial Page
Welcome! This is a part of the METAFONT and TeX/LaTeX Resource
Page devoted exclusively to providing learning material for the wonderful but ill-understood typographic system which is
With time, this site will contain various tutorials about different aspects of METAFONT, in both PDF and HTML format. But
this site is just born, and as such doens't contain much yet. The only thing it contains right now is the
METAFONTtutorial, a general tutorial to teach you the basics of METAFONT programming, which has finally been updated!
The METAFONTtutorial is available in three versions:
- A downloadable colour PDF version, full with hypertext links for easy reading with your
PDF viewer (if you don't have one, download the free Acrobat
- A downloadable black-and-white PDF version, optimised for printing for those who
prefer to read on paper. You also need a PDF viewer to print it.
- A ZIPped source archive containing all the files you will need if you want
to compile the tutorial yourself. Note however that the LaTeX source files are meant to work on my installation and may have
dependencies missing in yours. Also, they are highly tuned to compile the tutorial into a PDF file directly using PDFLaTeX,
and may not work as well if you try to compile them simply with LaTeX. Finally, you should first get very well acquainted
with them before you try to modify anything. While changing the paper format may not cause trouble, other changes may easily
lead to problems. And of course, don't forget to read the README file if you want to know where to begin.
- An HTML version used to be available. Unfortunately, my latest attempts to produce it (using TeX4HT on the LaTeX source)
resulted in such a mess that I couldn't hope to ever clean it enough to get a readable result. For this reason, and because I
lack time to work separately on a good HTML version, I decided to put it down for now, while I look for alternatives. For
now, just use the PDF versions, or download the source archive. Any help here to solve this problem will be more than
Copyright © 2003-2004 Christophe Grandsire / Last update:
December 30th 2004.